Modpack Medieval Immersed by keef_dgaf

  • Medieval Immersed by keef_dgaf

    Experience the Medieval world and become Immersed..
    • 37984
    • 9.86 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 21, 2022
    • September 24, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Medieval Immersed
Modpack Information
NameMedieval Immersed
DescriptionExperience the Medieval world and become Immersed..
InformationDownloads: 37984
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 9.86 MB
Updated at: September 24, 2023
Created at: June 21, 2022
Adventure and RPG

 1.19.4 - Fabric 0.14.19 [ACTIVE]  *  1.18.2 - Forge Ice & Fire Edition [MOVED HERE]  *  1.19.2 - Forge 43.2.6 [MOVED_HERE]  * 

[ Paypal - [email protected] / Cashapp : $Keef_DGAF ]



In Medieval Immersed the player is not given a purpose in the world, while there are datapacks that provide some questing, the world pressures the player to find their purpose and then strive to achieve it. You could be a simple farmhand in a small community and experience all the burdens such a life has to offer, or you could aspire to leader, king, ...god! Everything is up to you, once you arrive in the world you will be given a set of books that detail everything you NEED to know to survive, everything else is part of the immersion, find out what the mods are, find out what you can do in them and what you can achieve.. LEARN, just like your character.. THAT is immersion at its finest. 


Due to issues between developers and curseforge, certain mods have been moved off of curseforge that are required for this modpack to function. Please be sure to read the Changelogs for each release as they will always provide information regarding which files need to be added and where to obtain them. At present, the following mods are required to be installed by the end-user for pack operation:


sodium-fabric-mc1.19.4-0.4.10+build.24.jar -  -- Without this the pack wont even run!

Iris 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.19.4 -required version-  -- without this you will not have shaders

modmenu-6.2.1.jar - -- without this you will have no access to the mods menu.

How to manually install mods to your curseforge installation. Example by Keef_ⒹⒼⒶⒻ 


 Music courtesy of Andrew Santagata of Addressing The Dead, check them out on youtube for more :


Come Try out our Official Medieval Immersed -live server- :


Mod Review / playthrough : Courtesy of Lord Richard


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